International Education for Global Leadership

Our Mission is to promote open communication and understanding between parents/ guardians and teachers/ staff of Baltimore international Academy West. We are an independent organization that has no State or National affiliation and we do not support any political platforms, which means that we are able to retain all funds that we raise for our school.
Why get involved?
The biggest reason to become involved is for the benefit of your child. Studies consistently show that when parents get actively involved in their children's education, grades go up, test scores go up, children become more likely to pass and to attend better high schools and colleges, children have fewer disciplinary problems, and are less likely to use drugs and alcohol.
The second biggest reason is to provide our hard working parents and teachers with support. PTO is a great opportunity to learn about the talents and skills that our parents have, to learn how our teachers go above and beyond for our children, and to find parents and teachers who understand not only the difficulties of trying to balance all the aspects of our busy lives, but also the benefits of placing our children in an immersion school. PTO members are also kept informed on a monthly basis of issues that concern the school and our children.
What have we done so far?
The PTO has taken an active role in assisting with planning activities for the students. The PTO can help to support the school community by organizing a black history movie event, a Valentine's Day Ice cream social, and recruiting volunteers to assist with school sponsored activities as well as planning and implementing fundraisers.
How to get involved:
Step One: Come to a meeting. They are free and open to all parents, guardians and teachers.
Step Two: complete the member application and pay your dues. Individual membership is $6 and Family membership is $10.
Step Three: get involved! Volunteer, join a committee, help us raise funds, facilitate communication.